Jan 7, 2010

OMG, this laptop has a transparent screen!

This laptop has a super cool semi-transparent OLED screen! The screen's border is made of transparent plastic.

Manufactured by Samsung, they claimed it to be the world's first and largest transparent OLED prototype. Want to see it in action? View the video after the jump.

If you ask me, I'd definitely want one. Of course I wouldn't use it in public places, or else people could see everything I'm doing. It looks like it costs a bomb too.

Via Engadget


  1. Nice Laptop should run Linux

  2. That's pretty cool~~ But if there was stuff moving around behind the screen, it might be kinda distracting to focus on what's on the screen. Guess I've gotta try it before I can decide how useful it'd be for me.

  3. Is it good enough for day time use (under sunlight)? Also is it possible to set the transparency?

  4. Details of this laptop prototype are scarce, but I doubt you can set the transparency.
